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Israeli YouTuber Who Led Many Astray is Now Leading Them to Jesus

A famous Israeli YouTuber who was leading many into immorality and darkness has now surrendered his life to Jesus, Yeshua, and is leading others to the holiness and light that are found in our Messiah!

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A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.
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All Israel Will Be Saved 
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stories from the harvest

Some extraordinary things God has done through our online and street evangelism and pro-life work

Bound for 9 Years Set Free by Jesus in a Moment
Dynamic play buttonBound for 9 Years Set Free by Jesus in a Moment

Israeli Didn’t Meet Anyone for 9 Years, Until He Met Jesus | 10x more Evangelistic Orders!

An Israeli paralyzed with fear was isolated in his home for 9 years, but Jesus set him free! Also, even during this war, God is stirring Israelis to order 10 times more New Testaments and evangelistic materials!

Famous Israeli “Bad Boy” YouTuber Turns to Jesus
Dynamic play buttonFamous Israeli “Bad Boy” YouTuber Turns to Jesus

Israeli YouTuber Who Led Many Astray is Now Leading Them to Jesus

A famous Israeli YouTuber who was leading many into immorality and darkness has now surrendered his life to Jesus, Yeshua, and is leading others to the holiness and light that are found in our Messiah!

Bound for 9 Years Set Free by Jesus in a Moment
Dynamic play buttonBound for 9 Years Set Free by Jesus in a Moment

Israeli Didn’t Meet Anyone for 9 Years, Until He Met Jesus | 10x more Evangelistic Orders!

An Israeli paralyzed with fear was isolated in his home for 9 years, but Jesus set him free! Also, even during this war, God is stirring Israelis to order 10 times more New Testaments and evangelistic materials!

Miracles while Filming our Newest Evangelistic Street Interview
Dynamic play buttonMiracles while Filming our Newest Evangelistic Street Interview

Miracles while Filming our Newest Evangelistic Street Interview

God supernaturally intervened and did miracles precisely while we were sharing the Gospel and filming about His supernatural intervention and miracles in Israel’s history! What a great God we serve!

Salvation and an Unbelievable “Coincidence”
Dynamic play buttonSalvation and an Unbelievable “Coincidence”

Salvation and an Unbelievable “Coincidence”

When Kalanit and Victoria met as wartime sirens were blaring in Tel Aviv, they didn’t realize that they’d actually “met” before - in fact, Victoria had led Kalanit to Jesus through our evangelistic video!

A pair of hands, supporting a baby's hand.

Saving Lives
From Abortion

On a mission to end abortion through a video series and public campaign, while sharing about the forgiveness and healing found in the Messiah

Light to
The Nations

Reaching millions with the Gospel and practical equipping in their own language

A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.


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