What’s the cure to the darkness and violence we’re facing in the Middle East? Triumphant stories like Zaid’s salvation and Ronit’s change of heart give us great hope and pierce the darkness like bright shining stars.
When Zaid* from Jordan accepted Jesus, he promised God that he would be willing to sacrifice even his family for the faith.
As a 36 year old married Muslim man with 3 children, Zaid reached out to us after he read a few of our Hebrew evangelistic articles – using Google Translate!
Zaid had many, many questions. And Roger, our Arab Christian team member, answered him using portions of Islamic texts – proving that Jesus, Yeshua, is more than just a prophet and messenger. Zaid was also bewildered as to how Israeli Jews could believe in “the Christian Jesus” and wondered what their faith might cost them. He began to consider that he may have a price to pay as well if he were to follow this Messiah.
Secretly, Zaid discussed this topic of a new faith with his friend. They compared the “law of Islam” with the “Law of Yeshua” – how Islam teaches that you must obey to be loved, and how Yeshua loves unconditionally.
And with that, Jesus captured Zaid’s heart. Zaid understood that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and decided to give his life to the Lord. This powerful moment was over a simple phone call with Roger. But what happened next, and continues until this day, has not been so simple.
A couple of weeks had passed and Roger called Zaid to ask how he was. “My wife, children and myself have had to abandon our home and city,” Zaid shared with a broken heart.
“After I shaved my beard, and my wife removed her hijab, my extended family began to become suspicious and initiated an investigation. They questioned our 12 year old son privately, asking him what he’s being taught at home.”
His son truthfully admitted, “My dad is telling us that Jesus is God and we should follow His teachings!”
The entire clan intercepted Zaid and his family at their home. They assaulted Zaid and his wife, brutally beating them with their fists and kicking them, pulling their hair, all while accusing them of being traitors of Allah. And all this – in the presence of their little children.
Zaid and his wife were forced to run for their lives to stay with different friends in separate cities.
“I’ve closed my business, I’ve escaped to save my family, and from here on I trust in God to be our Savior and Provider. We’ll stay away in the hope that things will die down and we can return in peace.”
But things aren’t dying down at all. The clan has dictated according to Sharia Law that Zaid’s blood may be shed because of his “heresy.”
Roger started to contact local pastors and ministries, and ultimately reached a ministry that helps persecuted former Muslims practically. They’re helping him to find a new job, since he closed his juice shop.
Thank God, that same friend that Zaid had spoken with at the beginning, comparing Islam and his new faith – decided to follow Jesus himself and he’s helping Zaid by renting him a furnished apartment!
Zaid is continuing steadfastly in his faith, and his wife, while currently separated, is very, very close to devoting her life to the Savior.

Zaid’s story is one that makes us reflect how far we’d be willing to go to be with Jesus. What price would we really be willing to pay? Is there any price too high? Is there a greater love one can pursue?
We have this great promise that “height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).
We count it a great privilege to be able to spread the Gospel from here in Israel to all nations, and that God is using it to save and do wonders in the lives of Muslims in Jordan!
Please pray with us for Zaid, as we continue to follow-up with him – that he would continue to stand strong in the Lord, that he and his family's souls would be healed from all traumas, that God’s peace and protection would embrace them, and that they would all fulfill their destiny to be a light in the darkness.
Ronit’s Choice and a Gift from God
Ronit just wanted to continue studying – even at the cost of getting rid of her baby. The 24-year-old student called our hotline looking to get an abortion. She told our hotline counselor, Rene, “I’m studying, and having a baby right now would be a great hindrance to my plans.” She was certain that her conservative Jewish family would respond negatively to her having a child out of wedlock.
Rene responded gently, “A child is a gift from God and He will help you and provide everything you need to raise your child.”
Ronit pondered those words, then discussed the issue with her family and was greatly surprised. They were not negative at all! Her family promised to help her and support her in raising her child.
Ronit called Rene with the good news, and Rene was overjoyed to hear that she had decided to keep her growing baby. Rene lives for these moments – to share in the excitement of expecting mothers who have chosen life for their children.

Ronit gave birth to a beautiful baby girl via C-section. She appropriately gave her the name “Eliyah,” which means “The Lord is my God.”
Our counselor Rachel along with another believer, Dalit, visited Ronit and Eliyah to bring them gifts and share in their joy.
The three women sat down as Ronit shared how she comes from a large conservative family. With eight siblings she is proud of her Ethiopian heritage and delighted that her family supported her decision to keep her baby.
Although she lives in an apartment in a poor housing complex, she knows that in the eyes of her extended family in Ethiopia, they are considered rich. And she was very grateful for all the practical help we provided and for the gifts we brought her.
“I don’t take it for granted,” she said with appreciation.
Her father is Jewish and her mother is a Christian. Yet, most of her family are still in Ethiopia, living as Christians and can’t immigrate to Israel. When Ronit's parents immigrated to Israel, her mother converted to Judaism.
The conversation continued on the topic of faith and religion. Rachel and Dalit shared their faith in Yeshua with Ronit.
But Ronit was hesitant and confused, “How can I be both Jewish and believe in Yeshua as the Messiah?”
Rachel explained that, not only is it possible, but there are many like her – even living in her area. Ronit was pleasantly surprised to hear this.
Yet Ronit’s fears were not qualmed. She was nervous of persecution she may experience if the authorities were to discover she was viewed as a Christian in Israel.
Please pray for Ronit and many other Israelis like her that do not yet truly see or understand that Yeshua is “one of us” – an Israeli Jew, but also the promised Messiah that they can embrace.
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Please Pray with Us:
- For many Israelis and Muslims in surrounding nations to realize like Zaid did that only in Yeshua is there true peace and everlasting life – that the revival in the Middle East promised in Isaiah 19 would come to pass
- For our follow-up with thousands of seekers in Israel and abroad
– That God would draw those with open hearts to us, anoint and give grace to our team, and stir many more people to turn to Yeshua
– For Reuven, a man in an assisted living home who ordered a New Testament and has been studying about Yeshua on his own. When our team members visited him, he shared that he does believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, but apparently hasn’t made the decision to fully surrender his life to Him. Please pray for courage and humility for him and many others like him to take that step and become a light where he is! - For all the new believers –
– For Ben, who's been in Freemasons and many dark spiritual things and just decided to follow Yeshua. We're planning to meet with him and pray for deliverance.
– That each one would grow stronger in the Lord, keep connecting with us or local believers for discipleship, and become warriors in the Spirit to bring God’s Kingdom to earth - For wisdom and effectiveness and unity as we work on our new discipleship video series
- That we’d hear God’s voice clearly about which out of many ideas He’s calling us to pursue now in relation to street outreaches
- For our new “Good News” WhatsApp groups that we’re inviting Israeli seekers into, where they can receive regular quotes and stories about Yeshua with application to their own lives – that God would stir many to join, that they would see the beauty of the King, and many would be willing to take the next steps in drawing near Him
- For women we’re following up with in the Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign, including:
– Koral, along with her two small girls, who are suffering from PTSD after their encounter with Hamas terrorists, and whom we’re planning to visit again and share the Gospel with
– Liora, who has chosen life for the baby in her womb, but now both are in danger due to a serious hemorrhage in her uterus