Stories from the Harvest

Some extraordinary things God has done through our online and street evangelism and Pro-Life and Gospel campaign

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Gospel Goes Viral in Israel During Corona

In the midst of this coronavirus crisis, with all its real challenges, there’s also something incredible that God is doing. Here’s some Good News from Israel!

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Dramatic Stories of Israelis Courageously Choosing Jesus and Life

"Some of the stories we’re about to share with you caused me to weep tears of joy, because it’s so overwhelming and beautiful to see what God is doing here in Israel!"

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Amazing Miracles in Israeli Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign

The expert said it was impossible. But what God did next absolutely blew us away! They tried to smother our Israeli Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign, but when many of you prayed, God proved once again that when He is for us, no one can stand against us!

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A Whirlwind of Salvation, Healing and Gospel Breakthroughs

Just in the past few days, we’re experiencing a whirlwind of God’s Spirit moving in people’s hearts and bringing breakthroughs, healing, and salvation!

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5 Israelis Say "Yes" to Jesus

We couldn’t enter people’s homes - but Jesus could. We couldn’t show emotion through our face because of the masks - but Jesus could reveal His face. The unforgettable outreach to the poor during Corona.

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2.5 Million Gospel views in 10 days! Babies rescued from abortion now born!

Sometimes in life something so tremendous happens that you have to just stop, look at all that God has done, and celebrate with a grateful heart.

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A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.