Stories from the Harvest

Some extraordinary things God has done through our online and street evangelism and Pro-Life and Gospel campaign

Dynamic play buttonA woman who's about to kiss her baby, with small waterfalls in the background. In the upper right part of the image there's the following text "Gospel flooding all of Israel!" In the lower right part of the image there's the following text "Firstfruits and miracles in pro-life work!"

Firstfruits and Miracles – Babies Rescued from Abortion Now Born!

Sometimes in life something so tremendous happens that you have to just stop, look at all that God has done, and celebrate with a grateful heart.

Dynamic play buttonA man with a beard and eyeglasses, looks at the 'Medabrim' website. The text "Launching a massive evangelistic campaign, while in isolation!" appears at the bottom part of the image.

Launching a Massive Evangelistic Campaign (while in Isolation!)

No matter how much the enemy of our soul attacks, our Messiah is still building His congregation, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it!

Dynamic play buttonOn the left side of the image, a bald man with a beard. On the right side of the image, a pregnant woman. In the background, a sunset over a beach. The text "Saved at the last minute, redeemed forevermore" appears in the center of the image.

Dramatic Stories of Israelis Courageously Choosing Jesus and Life

"Some of the stories we’re about to share with you caused me to weep tears of joy, because it’s so overwhelming and beautiful to see what God is doing here in Israel!"

Dynamic play buttonOn the right side of the image, there's a man smiling, with a beard. On the left side of the image, there's a cluster of trees. In the lower left part of the image, the text "A whirlwind of salvation, healing and gospel breakthroughs!" appears.

A Whirlwind of Salvation, Healing and Gospel Breakthroughs

Just in the past few days, we’re experiencing a whirlwind of God’s Spirit moving in people’s hearts and bringing breakthroughs, healing, and salvation!

Dynamic play buttonIn the upper left side of the image, people are standing in a line on the beach, they are holding hands and lifting them up. Below them is the text "Babies rescued from abortion". In the lower right side of the image, a baby is smiling. Above it appears the text "Israelis find salvation".

Inspiring Stories of Salvation and New Life in Israel!

Israelis are being saved from their sins and Israeli babies are being rescued in the womb! And some surprising good news from the Arab world!

Dynamic play buttonIn the lower right side of the image, a woman with a scarf, long hair and earrings in her ears, looks up. Behind her and in the center of the image, a sun sets behind a mountain top with the words "Impossible" on it. The text "Watch how God answered these prayers!" appears at the bottom of the image.

Amazing Miracles in Israeli Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign

The expert said it was impossible. But what God did next absolutely blew us away! They tried to smother our Israeli Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign, but when many of you prayed, God proved once again that when He is for us, no one can stand against us!

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A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.


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