Stories from the Harvest

Some extraordinary things God has done through our online and street evangelism and Pro-Life and Gospel campaign

Dynamic play buttonOn the right side of the image, an aging woman with blond hair, folds her fingers and turns her head to the left in order to look at whoever is looking at the image.

On the Brink of Eternity

She never wanted to consider life after death, but now cancer has brought her to the very edge of time. The deeply moving story of Betty.

Dynamic play buttonA man with a coat, standing in the middle of a road in the woods, at the spot where the road splits into two roads. He looks at the options in front of him. In the lower left part of the image, the text "The Choice" appears.

The Choice

How far would you go to live out your faith? Idan faced threats, fears, and opposition, but what he chose and what God did are truly inspiring.

Dynamic play buttonA man with bristles, standing in the center of the image, behind him a background of trees and he looks at whoever is looking at the image.

My Day of Atonement

When Ran’s wife accepted Jesus, Yeshua, he thought she had joined the enemy camp. But then he had a life-changing encounter on the Day of Atonement.

Dynamic play buttonLeft of the center of the image, a woman smiles and looks at the woman who's on the right side of the image and looks back at her.

The Life-Changing Touch of God

Yulia was at a desperate point in her life, both physically and spiritually. And that’s exactly where God chose to touch her on the streets.

Dynamic play buttonA woman with a long hair, with a side bag which is carried on her left shoulder, walks alone up an alley in an old part of a city.

Reaching the Unreachable

How can you reach people in an ultra-Orthodox town with intense opposition to the Gospel? What seemed impossible for us is never impossible with God!

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A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.


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