In these days of uncertainty, one thing is sure: God is still at work and His Word is not quarantined! In the midst of this coronavirus crisis, with all its real challenges, there’s also something incredible that God is doing.
The world is being shaken! Economies are collapsing, healthcare systems are overwhelmed, governments are perplexed, and many are full of fear and uncertainty.
Now is the time for us, as children of God, to rise up, demonstrate His love, and spread the Good News of hope and eternal life found in Messiah!
In the past few months, God used our evangelistic videos to bring several more Israelis from different backgrounds to faith in Jesus, Yeshua.
Amazingly, since the crisis started in Israel, we’ve reached twice as many Israelis with the Gospel per day!

We’re excited to see what God will continue to do as we follow up with them!
One surprising conversation we had was with a young man from Bnei Barak, one of two most ultra-Orthodox cities in Israel. He saw our videos, then started mocking us, but at the end of the conversation, he asked us to send him the New Testament!
Another Orthodox Jewish man named Judah called and said, “I’m confused. All my life I’ve been religious, but something is missing for me.” He was looking for something real.
And a secular man named Asaf asked three good questions in a row: “What does God want? How can I have a relationship with God? And how do you give your heart to God?”
Working in partnership with Carmel Congregation, we’ve also begun reaching out to the poor by showing God’s love practically, and have seen God open the doors to bring them comfort and the Good News.
One lady we reached out to, named Alona, told us her tragic story: She lost her father, then her brother, then her husband left her and their baby. Then when her mother came to live with her and help, she suddenly had a stroke. Alona was broken, lonely, and disappointed with God.
We listened, then read Isaiah 61 together, how Yeshua, Jesus, came “To preach good tidings to the heal the console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes.”
We shared some testimonies of how God used losses in our lives to help us see our need for Him, and how Yeshua’s given us new life through His death.
After we prayed for her, she smiled and said, “Wow, I feel like something good happened in my soul!” She was glad to receive the New Testament and said she would begin reading it immediately.
Please pray for these and many other precious Israelis. Pray that God will open many more hearts through online evangelism and in the upcoming outreaches to the poor!
Remember, when Paul was in “quarantine,” he used the time to write letters still transforming lives until today. Let’s use this crisis as an opportunity to draw closer to God than ever before, and to bring His Kingdom here on earth.
We’d like to say to all those who are standing with us in prayer and support, thank you from the bottom of our heart. You’re an important part of the harvest here. We deeply appreciate it and don’t take it for granted!