The Israeli Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign

Since March 2021:
Over 10,000,000 VIEWS
Of Campaign Videos in Israel
Over 200 BABIES
Saved from Abortion

The Israeli Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign

Since March 2021:

of Campaign Videos

123 Babies

Saved from Abortion

Saving Lives Campaign Videos

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Powerful Stories of Lives Saved

The latest update on our Pro-Life and Gospel Campaign

Pro-Life Stories and Updates

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Inspiring stories watch the full stories here

Inspiring stories… watch the full stories here

78 Babies saved from abortion so far

Over 5 Million views of our campaign video in Israel

The Heartbreaking Situation

Did you know that over 2 million Israelis have been killed by abortion – and there are only about 9 million people in Israel today? That means that 100 children lose their lives every day to this plague.​

This is the very people of which God said, “Israel is My son, My firstborn” (Exodus 4:22). Can you imagine how God the Father feels about His children being led away to death?​

Unfortunately, in Israel today, there’s almost no one publicly standing against this atrocity. The vast majority of Israelis support abortion and don’t know the basic scientific facts and Scriptures showing that life beings at conception.

The Call

During a time of fasting and prayer, we sensed God speaking to several of us at once that we are called to be a voice for these silenced children.​

God stirred our hearts to launch a massive public campaign to help save these precious children in the womb and to reach those who’ve been involved in abortions with the Gospel of forgiveness and healing found in the Messiah.

So we’ve partnered with Israel Pro-Life (Be’ad Chaim) in launching this campaign. We’ve already completed a comprehensive national survey about abortion and are currently creating testimonies, documentaries, ads, and more. Our ultimate goal is to pass laws to end abortion in Israel, but we know that first the hearts and minds of the people will need to be changed.

On the right side of the image, an animation of a baby in the womb. On the left side of the image, the text "Saving lives from abortion, the Israeli pro-life and gospel campaign" appears.Dynamic play button

This is how it all started. See the heart and vision of the campaign.

A Stirring Story

When we’ve shared the basic facts about life in the womb with Israelis on the streets, they’ve often changed their minds and realized that abortion is killing. This weighty moral issue (and the guilt that some felt while speaking about it) has actually become an incredible opportunity to share about the grace and forgiveness found in the Gospel of Messiah.​

For example, when we asked one man his opinion about abortion, he said he thought it was fine and necessary sometimes. Then we shared about how you can hear the heartbeat after just 18 days and how there’s unique, individual DNA of the child on the very day of conception. He was shocked and said, “Wait, you mean I’ve killed two people?”​

But this deep conviction of his sin of being involved in two abortions led to a powerful conversation about how God sent His Son, Yeshua, to take all our sin upon Himself, and how we can receive forgiveness and new life through faith in Him, no matter what we’ve done.​​

He was so deeply touched that when we asked if he wanted to repent of his sins and follow Yeshua, he said, “Yes.” Praise God who turns around what the enemy meant for destruction and uses it as a way to bring others to true life in Yeshua!

The Saving Lives Campaign

Through prayer and research, we’ve developed these elements for the campaign (of course we’re open to God’s leading in adjusting them if necessary).


National Survey on Abortion


We completed a comprehensive national survey about abortion that is the first of its kind in Israel. The compelling findings about Israelis’ opinions about abortion, the reasons they have them, and updated statistics on abortion are already immensely useful. They’re helping us formulate the strategies and messages in each stage that will speak to Israelis’ hearts and minds.

Completed in Hebrew

Testimony Video Series

in Hebrew

We’ve filmed  two moving testimonies that we believe will have a deep impact on many – one abortion survivor who found life in Yeshua and one lady who had an abortion, found forgiveness in Messiah, and now works to help other women choose life. We’ll be releasing these soon, Lord-willing!

Completed in Hebrew

“The Truth about Abortion” Video

in Hebrew

In this video, we present the scientific evidence for life from conception, then show what an abortion actually is - especially how it stops a beating heart.

Completed in Hebrew

Street Interviews Video


In this video, we’ll talk with Israelis on the streets and show them brief, powerful clips about abortion. We’ll ask their opinions, share facts, engage in lively debates, and Lord-willing, see hearts and minds understand that abortion is killing an innocent child. From there, we’ll share the Good News of the grace of God in Messiah’s work for those involved in abortion and for all.​

We’ve already seen fruit from conversations like these, and are excited to capture them on camera and share them with you and millions of people around the world!


Grassroots Movement


We want to reach every Israeli personally with the message of Life. So we’ll hold equipping sessions across the country for believers, then go out on the streets together to speak with Israelis about abortion and the Gospel.​

We’ll pass out visually compelling and factual fliers, show people our videos on iPads, answer objections, and invite people to sign a petition to outlaw abortion in Israel.


Massive Ad Campaign on TV, billboards, newspaper, radio, signs on public transport


God has always desired for Israel to bring life to the nations, so our plan is to translate these videos and related websites into at least 18 languages.​

Our hope is that these videos will stir up many people around the world to join pro-life and Gospel movements in their nation. We especially want to provide resources in languages where not many are available at this time.

We believe that God can use this campaign to touch people around the world with the message of life for children in the womb and eternal life for all through the Gospel of Messiah.


Life to the Nations


God has always desired for Israel to bring life to the nations, so our plan is to translate these videos and related websites into at least 18 languages.​

Our hope is that these videos will stir up many people around the world to join pro-life and Gospel movements in their nation. We especially want to provide resources in languages where not many are available at this time. ​

We believe that God can use this campaign to touch people around the world with the message of life for children in the womb and eternal life for all through the Gospel of Messiah.

We need $5,000 in monthly donations so we can produce these videos, reach millions of Israelis with them, and by God’s grace, save many lives.
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