A man is working on his laptop. Next to his laptop there's a cup of coffee and a cell phone.


Dynamic play buttonEl Hombre que Dió su Vida para Salvar el Mundo

La Asombrosa y Verdadera Historia de Jesús, el Hombre más Influyente de Todos los Tiempo

¿Mesías o falso profeta? ¿Quién es realmente y cómo ha transformado miles de millones de vidas, incluidas las de un millón de judíos? La historia de Jesús el hijo de David como nunca antes la habías escuchado

Dynamic play buttonEncontrando Verdadera Esperanza en Medio del Desastre

Un mensaje del Evangelio al pueblo de Israel en Crisis

El pueblo de Israel se encuentra en la crisis de confianza más grave desde 1948, y muchos se preguntan: “¿Podemos seguir confiando en alguien?” La buena noticia es que podemos. Sólo necesitamos saber dónde buscar.

Dynamic play buttonIsraelíes Descubren Milagros Sin Precedentes Y Ven a Su Mesías Entrevista Callejera Reveladora

¿Un Golpe de Suerte o un Milagro Como Ningún Otro? Nueva Entrevista Callejera Evangelística

Israelíes se sintieron conmovidos e inspirados al ver cómo las promesas de Dios al pueblo judío en la Biblia se cumplieron de manera milagrosa. Entonces descubrieron la promesa suprema: el Mesías que les daría un corazón nuevo.

Our media evangelism team produces videos and websites to give Israelis a fresh introduction to who Jesus, Yeshua, really is. We seek to communicate the message of the Gospel in a way that is compelling and connects with their own life and Jewish culture.

On the right side of the image, Ariel, pointing a microphone at an ultra-Orthodox man, who is on the left side of the image. In the background, an old stone structure.
A man standing and filming (with a professional video camera) an interview. Next to him, sits another man who's conducting the interview. They are in the living room, of the interviewee's house.
On the right side of the image, Ariel is talking to a microphone he is holding. On the left side of the image, a man who's looking at Ariel and listening to what he is saying.
On the left side of the picture, Ariel is talking to a microphone he is holding. On the right side of the picture, a religious guy is looking at Ariel and listening to what he says. In the background, the Western Wall and the Dome of the Rock.

​It’s exciting to see how God is using all this to spark a genuine interest in Jesus, Yeshua. By God’s grace, our evangelistic videos have had over 10 million views.​

Thousands of Israelis (and people from around the world!) have contacted us in response, which has given us the opportunity to connect with them, hear their questions, and to share in more depth with them personally.​

Some have made the decision to follow the Messiah, and we’re continuing to follow-up with many more seekers through our websites, social media, phone calls, and personal meetings.

Our Evangelistic Websites

Please send these links to your Jewish friends!
A screenshot of our evangelistic website in Hebrew.
A pile of "supernatural or just remarkable?" booklets.